Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Eyes Set on the Big Picture for the Founders of Mazingira Safi Initiative

“The journey ahead is going to be a tough one, but we are dedicated to it”. These are the sentiments shared by the two founders of Mazingira Safi Initiative as they pose next to a pile of waste waiting to shoot a scene in their next campaign video.

The two founders, Purity Wanjohi and Kelly Wale, recall a moment when they randomly approached a German tourist at a popular cafeteria in Nairobi to share the idea of the organization. The conversation went well but concluded with a daunting statement from the tourist, “It is a good thing that you two are doing, but just know that it will be impossible to achieve the dream”. If anyone was to ask why the two are still committed to the organization after receiving such a response, they would point to the big picture. They had a choice to give up right there, but they understood that dreams are only validated by God.

Wayne, Purity, and Wale

As Kenyans, we cannot be oblivious to the environment; it is a terrible thing to ignore. Whether you belong to the social elite, the middle class, or you are simply a ‘Wanjiku’, the responsibility of caring for the environment does not belong to some government agencies or foundations.
Engaging communities in cleanups to increase environmental awareness
The environment is a responsibility of everyone. This is the big picture that the founders of Mazingira Safi Initiative have set their eyes on. It is a picture where Kenyans no longer litter improperly not because of any heavy penalties or fines that might be associated with it, but because they understand its effect to the environment and to their own lives.

It is a picture where there are working structures for effective waste management in every urban center in the country. It is a picture where the amount of waste that goes to dumpsites is reduced by separating the recyclable wastes from the non-recyclable wastes at source. It is simply a picture of a safe, secure, and clean environment.

Organic waste make such good manure

There are a lot of people at stake when we don’t take care of our environment not just in the present generation but also the future generation. The environment was not given to us by our forefathers but rather it has been lent to us by our great grandchildren.

Waste glass bottles are recycled in some of the most beautiful and artistic ways