Tuesday, 24 September 2013

A clean environement is a communal responsibility

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Genesis 1: 28 talks about God commanding us to reign over the fish, the birds, and every living creature that moves on the ground. To "reign over" something is to have absolute authority and control over it. God has ultimate rule over the earth, and he exercises his authority with loving care. When God delegated some of his authority to the human race, he expected us to take responsibility for the environment and the other creatures that share our planet. We must not be careless and wasteful as we fulfill his charge. God was careful in how he made this earth. We must not be careless in how we take care of it.

Kenya, being a developing country, still experiences the challenge of waste management. It is common to find in every urban center in the country, litter and waste improperly disposed on the streets. The worst of it all is when people litter improperly in areas where there are waste bins placed for littering. Nonetheless, the current available structures and policies for waste management are very weak to meet the demand. There is need to change the mindset of people in every community in addition to building capacity for waste management. The community needs to be sensitized and made aware of the need to take care of the environment around them. This is because the root cause of the problem is in the minds of the people. By changing their mind set and providing structures for the waste management, the problem of improperly discarded waste will be a thing of the past.